If you call a company on this site and are not satisfied, contact our main office immediately, 540-371-4244.
We take customer service seriously and want 100% satisfaction.

Bat Control and Removal


Bird Control and Removal

Rat Control and Removal

Wildlife Control, LLC. was established in 1991. In 23+ years of business, we have become one of the most respected wildlife and animal removal companies in the nation. We provide wildlife removal services or have an expert in that area. We can completely solve any wildlife removal situation you have. Simply click here and find your state. Then click the closest city and call the number listed. That’s it. The companies listed on this site either meet or exceed the standards that are set forth by the National Wildlife Control Officers Assocation.

Rest assured that our wildlife control and animal removal specialist are not far away. Many of our technicians have degrees in Wildlife Biology, Entomology (insects), Ornithology (birds) or Herpetology (reptiles). Many holding a Master's degree in their specialty field. Technicians are clean cut, uniformed professionals who will solve your animal removal problem no matter what it takes.

Wildlife Control is not your local animal control service. We do not hire subcontractors for services you may need such as wild animal damage repairs. We continuously train our experts in all aspects of our business. We are equipped to handle any kind of animal, pest, or wildlife removal problem. We can help get rid of pest bats, bees, hornets, yellow jackets, wasps, fleas, ticks, squirrels, raccoons, snakes, coyotes, beavers, mice, rats, skunks, opossums, birds and many more unwanted critters.

In addition to wild animal pest removal, we also offer honeybee comb removal, relocation of animals and wildlife (where legal), insulation removal and replacement, dead animal removal, wildlife exclusion services, wildlife damage repair and more. Call our office anytime and speak with a human not a recording. We strive to provide you immediate assistance.